FlashDisk Kebal Virus

Usai mengikuti suatu kegiatan ilmiah –Seminar, Workshop, Diklat dll–, sebagai peserta Anda berminat untuk mengcopy materi yang telah dipresentasikan, menggunakan media simpan FlashDisk. Namun, Anda ragu melakukannya, karena file yang di-copy dapat ditumpangi “penumpang gelap” –virus, trojan, worm dll–. Keraguan Anda sebenarnya juga dialami oleh presenter (penyaji, pemakalah, instruktur) –seperti saya.

Anda dapat meminimalkan keraguan Anda dengan menerapkan alternatif solusi berikut:

Pertama, Anda dapat menginstal Deep Freeze yang akan menjaga komputer (PC, laptop, atau netbook) Anda tetap “segar” ketika re-start.

Deep Freeze bekerja dengan cara berikut:

    • Deep Freeze provides the ultimate workstation protection by creating a “frozen” snapshot of a workstation’s configuration and settings.
    • Each time you restart your machine, Deep Freeze restores your computer to this original “frozen” state.

Kedua, Anda dapat menggunakan anti virus khusus USB, misalnya Panda Security yang dapat diunduh di situs CNET.

    • Panda USB Vaccine is a free solution designed to protect against this threat. It offers a double layer of preventive protection, allowing users to disable the AutoRun feature on computers as well as on USB drives and other devices:
    • Vaccine for computers: This is a ‘vaccine’ for computers to prevent any AutoRun file from running, regardless of whether the device (memory stick, CD, etc.) is infected or not.
    • Vaccine for USB devices: This is a ‘vaccine’ for removable USB devices, preventing the AutoRun file from becoming a source of infection. The tool disables this file so it cannot be read, modified or replaced by malicious code.
    • This is a very useful tool as there is no simple way of disabling the AutoRun feature in Windows. This provides users with a simple way of disabling this feature, offering a high degree of protection against infections from removable drives and devices.

Don’t worry, be happy!

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